Pozabljene zakladnice besed

Društvo učiteljev angleškega jezika, IATEFL Slovenija, vsako leto ob evropskem dnevu jezikov razpiše natečaj za osnovne in srednje šole. Letos so učenci in dijaki sestavljali zgodbe in pesmi iz naslovov starejših  knjig ali sestavljali nove zgodbe iz stavkov, ki so jih poiskali v  knjigah.  Izbor  najboljših je objavljen v spletni publikaciji Pozabljene zakladnice besed. Med objavljenimi prispevki je pesem MARJETKE  Puc, ki je iz zaprašenih učbenikov za angleščino sestavila pesem, in zgodba MARUŠE Leskovic, ki je v petih knjigah poiskala  povedi in jih spletla v kratko zgodbo.


English 1, 2, 3, 4

Open the door!

Le’s look in!

This way!

Start with English.

In English, please!


We learn English:


Brush up time.

Reach out


Now you’re talking!



Downman, L., (1966). Let’s look in. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.

Berglund, I., (1973). Open the door: engelska för fackskolan. Falkenberg, Sweden.

Berglund, I., (1974). Reach out. Falkenberg, Sweden.

Malmström, ( 1975).  Now youre talking. Nacka, Esselte studium, Sweden.

Brozović, B., Gerčan, O.,  (1976). We learn English. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.

Walker, M., Mellgren, L., (1977). This Way. Kbh.: Grafisk, Sverige

Webster, M, Castanon, L. (1980). Crosstalk.  Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Howe, D. H., (1981).  Start with English. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Brozović, B., Gerčan, O., Zorić, V. (1986). In English, please. Zagreb: Školska knjiga.

Knight, M. (1969). Brush-up Time. Sveriges radio.

Richards, J. C., Long, M. N. (1984). Breakthrough:  a course in English communication practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

English 1 /2, 3, 4/, Kos, M., Pilgram,  (1982). English: Angleški učbenik za 5. razred osnovne šole. Maribor: Obzorja.


 Marjetka Puc, 6. r.



Our story begins at Morgat, a little town on the coast of France. Day came. And when the west wind with its sweet breath  has given life  in every wood and when small birds are making melodies, we were lost in a world of water. We shall be broken to pieces on those rocks!

Then there was a crash! A great blackness came over me. All the voices on earth could not  have wakened me.

It was a dream,  a vision.

»I’m Mary,« said the girl. She was pretty with fair hair and blue eyes.

»Shall I get better, Nurse?«

»Of course, you must keep quiet and rest.«

»I  need someone who will take care of me, and I love you. Will you marry me, my dear?«

»What about your work?« she said softly.

»I shall work better if I have a wife to help me. And I live a life  of ease and happiness.«

»I’m not one to rebel against you wishes.  Sir, I will be your humble wife.«

«Mine is real love, love of a human being.«

There   was  silence.

And he loved and served her so devotedly that between those two was never spoken a jealous word, nor so much as a cross one.

That is my story. I think it must be true. Well, even if it is not true, there is nothing bad in it. And it would be better if many of the true stories were not true. Who does not believe this, is a brute beast.



Toudouze, G. (1953). King of the Undersea City. London: Longmans, Green and Co Ltd.

Thornley, N., Thornley, G. C. (1958). Claire’s wish. London: Longmans, Green and Co Ltd.

Paltock, R. (1960). Peter Wilkins. London: Longmans, Green and Co Ltd.

/Peter Wilkins combines the elements of Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver’s Travels and the Arabian Nights./

Chaucer, G., (1985). The Canterbury Tales. Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Maruša Leskovic, 9. r.




(Skupno 85 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)

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